Taskx mittels Laraknife

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Es soll eine minimale Web-Applikation mit den Werkzeugen Laravel und Laraknife erstellt werden: Eine Verwaltung von Notizen.


Eine Verballhornung des Wortes "Tasks": Die schwäbische Aussprache spricht ein x am Ende.


  • Benutzerverwaltung: nur angemeldete Benutzer können Applikation nutzen
  • Rechteverwaltung mittels Rollen
  • Verwaltung von Notizen: Titel, Text, Kategorie, Status: offen, erledigt


  • als normaler Benutzer (nicht root):
wget "https://public.hamatoma.de/public/CreateLaraProj.sh" -O $SCRIPT
chmod +x $SCRIPT
  • Am Ende wird dazu aufgefordert, das Script /tmp/IncludeLara.sh zu starten:
/tmp/IncludeLara.sh git $BASE/$PROJ

Mehrsprachigkeit (I18N)

larascripts/laraknife-tool.sh init-i18n
  • Die neuen Übersetzungen müssen in resources/lang/sources/taskx.de.json eingetragen werden.

Roles und SProperties füllen

larascripts/laraknife-tool.sh fill-db

Laraknife-Module anpassen

larascripts/laraknife-tool.sh adapt-modules

Homepage einrichten

  • Datei resources/views/home.blade.php
larascripts/laraknife-tool.sh create-home

Modul Notes erstellen

Tabellenbeschreibung erstellen

  • Konvention: Tabelle wird kleingeschrieben, im Plural
php artisan make:migration create_${TABLE}_table
  • Es wird die Datei database/migrations/2023_12_29_180821_create_notes_table.php erzeugt
  • Diese Datei anpassen:
        Schema::create('notes', function (Blueprint $table) {
            // foreign key of sproperties.
            // foreign key of sproperties.

Modul erzeugen

php artisan migrate
./Lara create:module database/migrations/*_create_notes_table.php

Layout erstellen

  • Datei resources/views/layouts/taskx.blade.php erstellen:
larascripts/laraknife-tool.sh create-layout

Routing einrichten

  • In Datei routes/web.php einfügen:
  • Es sind 4 Namen unterstrichen: mit Strg-Alt-I Klassen einbinden.

Starten, Registrieren, Login

  • Den Webserver starten:
php artisan serve

Controller und Views anpassen

Übersicht (index)

  • Datei app/Http/Controllers/NoteController.php
    public function index()
        if (array_key_exists('btnSubmit', $_POST) && $_POST['btnSubmit'] === 'btnNew') {
            return redirect('/note-create');
        } else {
            $sql = 'SELECT id, title, body, user_id, cast(body AS VARCHAR(60)) as body2 FROM notes';
            $userId = auth()->id();
            $parameters = [':user_id' => $userId];
            $conditions = ['user_id = :user_id'];
            if (count($_POST) == 0) {
                $fields = [
                    'text' => '',
                    '_sortParams' => 'id:desc'
            } else {
                $fields = $_POST;
                ViewHelper::addConditionPattern($conditions, $parameters, 'title,body', 'text');
            $sql = DbHelper::addConditions($sql, $conditions);
            $sql = DbHelper::addOrderBy($sql, $fields['_sortParams']);
            $records = DB::select($sql, $parameters);
            $pagination = new Pagination($sql, $parameters, $fields);
            return view('note.index', [
                'records' => $records,
                'fields' => $fields,
                'pagination' => $pagination
  • Datei resources/views/note/index.blade.php
<form id="note-index" action="/note-index" method="POST">
    <x-laraknife.index-panel title="{{ __('Notes') }}">
      <x-laraknife.filter-panel legend="{{ $pagination->legendText() }}">
        <x-laraknife.text position="alone" name="text" label="Text" value="{{$fields['text']}}" width2="4" />
      <x-laraknife.index-button-panel buttonType="new"/>
      <x-laraknife.sortable-table-panel :fields="$fields" :pagination="$pagination">
            <th sortId="id">{{__('Id')}}</th>
            <th sortId="title">{{__('Title')}}</th>
            <th sortId="body">{{__('Body')}}</th>
      @foreach ($records as $note)
          <td><a href="/note-edit/{{$note->id}}">{{ __('Change')}}</a></td>
          <td><a href="/note-delete/{{$note->id}}">{{ __('Delete')}}</a></td>

Anlegen (create)

  • Datei app/Http/Controllers/NoteController.php
  • Die drei Methoden ersetzen:
    public function create(Request $request)
        if (array_key_exists('btnSubmit', $_POST) && $_POST['btnSubmit'] === 'btnCancel') {
            $rc = redirect('/note-index');
        } else {
            $rc = null;
            $error = null;
            if (count($_POST) > 0) {
                $fields = $_POST;
                try {
                    $incomingFields = $request->validate($this->rules(true));
                    $rc = $this->store($request);
                } catch (\Exception $e) {
                    $error = $e->getMessage();
            } else {
                $fields = [
                    'title' => '',
                    'body' => '',
                    'category_scope' => '2001',
                    'status_scope' => '2601',
                    'group_scope' => '2501',
            if ($rc == null) {
                $optionsCategory = SProperty::optionsByScope('category', $fields['category_scope'], '-');
                $optionsStatus = SProperty::optionsByScope('notestatus', $fields['status_scope'], '-');
                $optionsGroup = SProperty::optionsByScope('group', $fields['group_scope'], '-');
                $rc = view('note.create', ['fields' => $fields,
                    'optionsCategory' => $optionsCategory,
                    'optionsStatus' => $optionsStatus,
                    'optionsGroup' => $optionsGroup,
                    'error' => $error]);
        return $rc;
    private function rules(bool $isCreation=false): array
        $rc = [
            'title' => 'required',
            'body' => 'required',
            'category_scope' => 'required',
            'status_scope' => 'required',
            'group_scope' => 'required',
        return $rc;
    public function store(Request $request)
        if ($request->btnSubmit === 'btnStore') {
            $incomingFields = $request->validate($this->rules());
            $incomingFields['user_id'] = auth()->id();
            $incomingFields['body'] = strip_tags($incomingFields['body']);
        return redirect('/note-index');
  • Datei resources/views/note/create.blade.php
    <form id="note-create" action="/note-create" method="POST">
        <x-laraknife.create-panel title="{{ __('Creation of a Note') }}" error="{{$error}}">
            <x-laraknife.combobox position="first" name="status_scope" label="Status" value="{{$fields['status_scope']}}" :options="$optionsStatus" width2="4" />
            <x-laraknife.combobox position="last" name="group_scope" label="Group" value="{{$fields['group_scope']}}" :options="$optionsGroup" width2="4" />
            <x-laraknife.combobox position="alone" name="category_scope" label="Category" value="{{$fields['category_scope']}}" :options="$optionsCategory" width2="4" />
            <x-laraknife.text position="alone" name="title" label="Title" value="{{$fields['title']}}"  />
            <x-laraknife.bigtext position="alone" name="body" label="Body" value="{{$fields['body']}}" rows="10" />
  • Übersetzungen in resources/lang/sources/taskx.de.json
"Body": "Info",
"Category": "Kategorie",
"Creation of a Note": "Anlegen einer Notiz",
"Group": "Gruppe",
"open": "offen",
"standard": "Standard",
"Status": "Status",
"Title": "Titel",
  • Aktivieren:

Ändern (edit)

  • Datei app/Http/Controllers/NoteController.php
    public function edit(Note $note)
        if (array_key_exists('btnSubmit', $_POST) && $_POST['btnSubmit'] === 'btnCancel') {
            $rc = redirect('/note-index');
        } else {
            $optionsCategory = SProperty::optionsByScope('category', $note->category_scope, '-');
            $optionsStatus = SProperty::optionsByScope('notestatus', $note->status_scope, '-');
            $optionsGroup = SProperty::optionsByScope('group', $note->group_scope, '-');
            $rc = view('note.edit', [
                'note' => $note,
                'optionsCategory' => $optionsCategory,
                'optionsStatus' => $optionsStatus,
                'optionsGroup' => $optionsGroup,
        return $rc;
    public function update(Note $note, Request $request)
        $rc = null;
        if ($request->btnSubmit === 'btnStore') {
            try {
                $incomingFields = $request->validate($this->rules());
                $incomingFields['body'] = strip_tags($incomingFields['body']);
                $rc = redirect('/note-index');
            } catch (\Exception $exc) {
                $msg = $exc->getMessage();
                $rc = back();
        if ($rc == null) {
            $rc = redirect('/note-index');
        return $rc;
  • Datei resources/views/note/edit.blade.php
    <form id="note-edit" action="/note-update/{{ $note->id }}" method="POST">
        <x-laraknife.edit-panel title="{{ __('Change of a Note') }}">
            <x-laraknife.combobox position="first" name="status_scope" label="Status" value="{{$note->status_scope}}" :options="$optionsStatus" width2="4" />
            <x-laraknife.combobox position="last" name="group_scope" label="Group" value="{{$note->group_scope}}" :options="$optionsGroup" width2="4" />
            <x-laraknife.combobox position="alone" name="category_scope" label="Category" value="{{$note->category_scope}}" :options="$optionsCategory" width2="4" />
            <x-laraknife.text position="alone" name="title" label="Title" value="{{$note->title}}"  />
            <x-laraknife.bigtext position="alone" name="body" label="Body" value="{{$note->body}}" rows="10" />
  • Übersetzungen in resources/lang/sources/taskx.de.json
"Change of a Note": "Ändern einer Notiz",
  • Aktivieren:

Anzeigen (show/delete)

  • Datei app/Http/Controllers/NoteController.php
    public function show(Note $note)
        if (array_key_exists('btnSubmit', $_POST) && $_POST['btnSubmit'] === 'btnCancel') {
            $rc = redirect('/note-index');
        } else {
            $optionsCategory = SProperty::optionsByScope('category', 'category', '');
            $optionsGroup = SProperty::optionsByScope('group', 'group', '');
            $optionsStatus = SProperty::optionsByScope('notestatus', 'status', '');
            $rc = view('note.show', [
                'note' => $note,
                'optionsCategory' => $optionsCategory,
                'optionsGroup' => $optionsGroup,
                'optionsStatus' => $optionsStatus,
                'mode' => 'delete'
        return $rc;
  • Datei resources/views/note/show.blade.php
    <form id="note-show" action="/note-show/{{ $note->id }}/{{ $mode }}" method="POST">
        @if ($mode === 'delete')
        <x-laraknife.show-panel title="{{ __($mode !== 'delete' ? 'A Note' : 'Deletion of a Note') }}"
            mode="{{ $mode }}">
            <x-laraknife.combobox position="first" name="status_scope" label="Status" value="{{ $note->status_scope }}"
                :options="$optionsStatus" width2="4" attribute="readonly" />
            <x-laraknife.combobox position="last" name="group_scope" label="Group" value="{{ $note->group_scope }}"
                :options="$optionsGroup" width2="4" attribute="readonly" />
            <x-laraknife.combobox position="first" name="category_scope" label="Category" value="{{ $note->category_scope }}"
                :options="$optionsCategory" width2="4" attribute="readonly" />
            <x-laraknife.text position="last" name="id" label="Id" value="{{ $note->id }}" width2="4"
                attribute="readonly" />
            <x-laraknife.text position="alone" name="title" label="Title" value="{{ $note->title }}"
                attribute="readonly" />
            <x-laraknife.bigtext position="alone" name="body" label="Body" value="{{ $note->body }}" rows="10"
                attribute="readonly" />
  • Übersetzungen in resources/lang/sources/taskx.de.json
"A Note" : "Eine Notiz",
"Deletion of a Note": "Löschen einer Notiz",
  • Aktivieren: